
i'm goin to get a very bad headache because of this.

So yeah, it's like 4 in the morning and i haven't sleep at all. It's all because of that world cup game i watched and just ended like 30 minutes ago, and i think it's just an hour before the subuh prayer time, so i choose to stay until subuh.

today is Saturday (yeah, so what?) i woke up at around 6 in the morning, and after i woke up everything kinda blurry for me until noon. then i do my friends chore until 4 pm. mom said we could go somewhere but then, someone who are in charge of selling our house came, and also it was heavily rain. so we cancel it.

talking about selling house, yep we're going to sell the place where i have spent my entire life in it. kinda feel sad, thinking i'm going to lose this very strategic yet very comfy neighborhood. but i think life goes on. even tough we're not nomads like our ancestors used to be, i think there are some certain times where we as a human continue our life, moving from one place to another, moving from one heart to another.

imagining the chaotic mess about leaving this home, looking for a new neighborhood (i really hope we can get a nice small house near campus, so i can go late at night from campus ::), and all those stuffs, i must admit, makes me feeling excited. i mean this will be my very first experience moving from one place to settle at another, and we finally got a place of our own.

but still, i can't hide my feelings. this place means a lot to me. the strategic location, the big trees that surrounding, the clean, fresh, morning air really makes me sad to leave this place. i mean, where else you could find squirrels hanging in the tree right in the bustling and the sounds of honking of Jakarta? I've already made an oath to myself. when we're finally got to move out, i will carry a piece of dirt from the place, and sometime in the future, i will buy back this place, and renovate it until it look like the very same house where i used to grow up.

but anyway, cousin of mine come visiting and we had a supper. then we watched the soccer match together. it was USA vs England. i never knew that USA could play soccer so well. it was somewhat entertaining. although i have to admit, i know nothing about soccer, but i will try to learn and enjoy it. everything takes time right?

a brilliant idea popped in my mind while i was watching the second half. it is about my departure to Istanbul that will be Insya Allah happen 7 weeks from now. the idea was how about contacting local youth magazines such as hai or go girl so that they can give me some spaces containing my article about the trip? by allowing youth to read about the congress, hopefully they'll get inspired and willing to do what i did. and also by having my article published in the youth media, they can get updates and benefits from the congress. so my journey home to Istanbul worth something at least to myself, my community, and to the youth around me. like what i always say in my essay and/or registration form.

i'll try to start looking for their emails which enables me to contact them and offer this idea as soon as i woke up from my soon-will-be-longest-hibernating after watching those soccer game. god speed!

and why am i writing this post in English? well, it has something to do with Istanbul too. i think because of my role on the congress is as a young journalists, i should start practicing and intensify my English writing skill. God, i bet i have to write hundreds of articles there. with my low grammatical knowledge, only God who knows what kind of journalist i'll be when i'm around Istanbul.

and also i should start practicing Spanish more often, since i don't think English is enough when you're about to meet 1000 youths from all around the globe. but let's see what can i do with my Spanish.

it's getting close to subuh time, bye for now.


orang pintar

mau tau orang pintar ga?

orang pintar itu adl orang yang ada janji meeting jam 09.00 WIB, tapi baru bangun jam 07.56 WIB. padahal rumah sama lokasi meetingnya lebih kurang satu setengah jam, tapi masih sempet-sempetnya tidur-tiduran dulu sambil smsan.

dan sekarang lagi makan nasi kuning pake ayam goreng buat pesenan dus-dusan sambil ngepost tulisan ini dan liat-liat kaskus. kita lihat apa yang terjadi nanti.


hey ho!

weekends!! yah well, since im in the 12th grade there's no weekend for me..especially after i decided to go and chase my opportunity to study at UI..

and uh, today my tryout result is finally posted at the bacang hijau's wall..it was exceed expectations..although it is still far far faaaar away from HI UI..hufh..and i kinda feel hopeless now..and im beginning to think to give up from HI UI and choose political studies instead..

got to go! my cousin from unpad visits me and she promise me to make a plate of fettucine! nyam! nyam!


whew...blog baru!

kyahahhahahahahha..odry datang lagi! dengan blog barunya yang yah...mudah2an lebih asik lah..btw, kalo mau jadi sahabat pena gw gampang banget! tinggal ketik REG ODRY kirim ke 6288! oh bukan deng..just sent me emails to sharejoytoother@hotmail.com! ookokokokoko?

peace out!